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Characteristics and application of agricultural organosilicon additives


  Agricultural organosilicon additive is a kind of agricultural trisilicon surfactant. When mixed with pesticide solution in a certain proportion, it can significantly increase the retention amount of pesticide on the plant surface, prolong the retention time and improve the penetration ability of plant epidermis, which is very effective for improving the efficacy, reducing the amount of pesticide, saving cost and reducing the pollution of pesticide to the environment. Its main characteristics are: Super spreading, good permeability, internal absorption and conductivity, rain resistance, easy mixing, high safety and stability.

  Enhance the adhesion of liquid medicine and improve the utilization rate of pesticide

  Excellent wetting and expansion, increase coverage and improve pesticide efficacy

  It can promote the penetration of the inhaling agent through the pores and resist the rain erosion

  Reduce spray quantity, save water and save time rationally.

  Reduce pesticide residue and pesticide loss.

  Technical index of the product:

  Appearance: colorless to light amber liquid

  Surface tension (0.1%): < 21.5mn/m

  Density: 1.01 g / cm3

  Viscosity (25 ℃): 30-35 MPa. S

  Cloud point (0.1% wt%): < 10 ° C

  Scope of application:

  Agricultural silicone auxiliaries can be added to insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, foliar fertilizer, plant growth regulator and / or bio pesticide spray mixture, especially for internal sucking agents.


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